Monthly Archives: September 2014

September 8, 2014


1. Assign seats

2. Explain Bio Poem rubric and answer questions about final draft

3. Review simple and compound sentences (Handout – Part A)

4. Complex Sentences (Grammar p. 192-193)

5. Practice complex sentences (Handout – Part B)



1. Complex Sentences Handout (front and back)

2. Final Draft Bio Poem due Friday, September 12th

September 4, 2014


1. Correct homework

2. Review independent and subordinate clauses

3. Create a “Unicorn Facts” poster in table groups.  Underline independent clause in red and subordinate clause in blue.  Remember that a clause has to contain a subject and a verb



1. Get dividers for binder if needed

September 3, 2014


1. Turn in “Free Your Mind” Paragraph Rough Draft and Final Draft

2. Label dividers in binder: Writing, Reading, Grammar, Vocabulary

3. Clauses (Grammar p. 186)

4. Clauses Ninja Practice PPT

5. Clauses Practice (Grammar p. 187)

6. Clauses Sort (handout)



1. Unicorn Facts Clauses Practice (handout)

September 2, 2014


1. SSR Book Check

2. Sentence Structure Diagnostic Test (Grammar p. 185)

3. Review CAPE Typing Standards

4. Review Writing Laws

5. Handout: 10 Ways to Start Sentences

6. Revise/Edit Rough Draft “Free Your Mind” Paragraph



1. Typed Final Draft “Free Your Mind” Paragraph (Follow CAPE Tying Standards and Writing Laws)

-Do not use “you”
-Statement Title

-10 Sentences with 10 words each